الأربعاء، 11 أبريل 2012

Glory and Significance of Sri Rama Nama

Majority of people in India know about the story of Lord Sri Rama, the epic Ramayana, and Lord Hanuman (the greatest devotee of Lord Sri Rama) but only few know the significance of Rama Nama. To talk about Lord Sri Rama and the significance of Rama Nama perhaps Lord Hanuman is the most competent person. In this regard a small but sincere attempt is being made to share the information collected from various sources about the glory and significance of Rama Nama.
Who is this Rama?
“!Ramanthe Sarve Janaah Gunaih Asmin Ithi Ramah!
! Ramayatheethi Ramah! (Ramayatha ithi Ramah)
! Ramante yogino-nanthe brahmanande chidatmani!”
Rama is one of the names of Lord Sri Maha Vishnu in Vishnu Sahasra Nama. Sloka No.43 of Vishnu Sahasra Nama Sthothram describes Rama as,
“Ramo Viraamo Virajo Margo Neyo Nayo-anayaH
Veerah Shaktimataam Shresshtah Dharmo Dharmaviduttamah”
The meaning of the above Sanskrit verse is that Rama is the one, who keeps the entire living beings happy, the one in whose memory Yogis always revel (take pleasure) in the bliss of Brahman. He is the one, who is omniscient and full of bliss. He is the place of final rest for all deserving souls. He is the one before whom, all else becomes pale and insignificant. He is the one, who has no desires for enjoyment or any luxuries. He is the lord, who creates path to the devotees to reach the zones of liberation and immortality. He is the one, who wishes to do anything for the devotees. He conducts, monitors and leads everybody in this world. He is the one, who cannot be felled by anybody. He is valiant and is the one, who strikes terror into the hearts of the evil doers. He is the greatest, the supreme most and the invincible. He is the foremost among the celestials and is the most valiant among the brave. He is the dharma and his very nature is dharma and his incarnation is for the purpose of dharma.
He is the embodiment of dharma and protector of dharma. He is the foremost and greatest among the knower of dharma. ! Ramo Vigrahavaan Dharmah! It means Rama is an epitome, a personification, a manifestation of Dharma. Rama is the very embodiment of righteousness. It was as if righteousness itself had incarnated on earth. Dharma and Rama are inseparable. It is said that when sage Valmiki was asked to write Ramayana he asked sage Narada “is there any person among the human beings, who has all the sixteen virtues” and that person was none other than Lord Sri Rama. Mythologically Rama was the seventh Avathara of Sri Maha Vishnu in the list of Dasa Avatharas. In Venkatesa Suprabhatham the very first sloka refers to Lord Sri Rama “Kausalya Supraja Rama”
As per the words of two great sages Vasishta and Viswamithra it is said that the four brothers Rama, Lakshmana, Bharatha and Sathrughna are the four forms of Vedas that have incarnated in the Treta Yuga to impart the most precious message to the mankind and to set an ideal world. Lord Sri Rama has been symbolized as the wisdom of Vedas. In fact the four brothers have established an ideal world called Rama Rajya and have preached and practiced many principles which have relevance even today.
What is the significance of the word Rama?
It is said that Rama Nama has come into existence much before the birth of Lord Sri Rama. It is said that the word Rama is divided into syllables Ra + Aa + Ma; Ra means Rudra; Aa means Brahma; Ma means Vishnu and the confluence of the three trinal lords Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara is Rama.The word Rama is a confluence of two letters Ra + Ma. It is believed and said that these two letters are Jivaakshara (life giving letters) carved out of the most significant Mantras the Narayana Astakshari and Shiva Panchakshari. The letter Ra is carved out of Narayana Astakshari (Om! Namo! Narayanaya!) and the letter Ma is carved out of Shiva Panchakshari (Om! Namah Shivaya!).
These two letters called life giving letters, the soul of these two powerful Mantras are put together to form the taraka Mantra Rama. Without these two letters, these manthras become ineffective. Any one chanting this taraka manthra is equivalent to worshipping both Lord Sri Maha Vishnu and Lord Shiva.
What is significance of Rama Nama?
Rama Nama is given the same importance as that of a pranava manthra OM that has links to all the other Manthras that ever exist. Rama Nama is an essence of all the Vedas, Shastras, Ithihasas and Puranas. One of the Saptha Rishis, Sage Vasista meditated on Rama Nama for quite a long time that motivated him to suggest King Dasaratha to christen the Almighty with the manthra (Rama) that he had chanted.
The word Rama has the triple power of destroying sins, conferring peace, and dispelling ignorance. When you utter the word “RAM”, you first open the mouth with the sound “Ra”. All your sins go out when your mouth is open. When you utter “M” by closing the mouth, the entry is barred against the sins that have gone out.
Rama is not just a name. It is a Mantra, the only Mantra that is called Taraka Mantra. Taraka Mantra means the one that helps us to cross the ocean of Samsara and free us from the bondage cycle of birth and death. If it is chanted as Rama it is a name, if it is chanted as Ram it is a Mantra, if it is chanted with addition of the word Sri (Sri Rama, Sri Ram) power of Goddess Sita is added to it.
It is called as the family Manthra of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva himself tells Goddess Parvathi about the significance of Rama Nama and suggests her also to recite the same all the time. Lord Shankara, knowing the sweetness of it, initiated his beloved Parvathi to it. He tells her,
                                                          ”Sree Rama Rama Ramethi Rame Raame Manorame
                                                           Sahasranama Tat Thul-yam Rama Nama Varanane”
                                                          (Phala Stuthi of Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Sthothram)
It is only Rama Nama which is equal to a thousand names of Vishnu. Perhaps the above sloka indicates that chanting of Rama once isequal to 10 times chanting of Vishnu, chanting of Rama twice is equal to 100 times (10 x10) chanting of Vishnu and chanting of Rama thrice is equal to 1000 times (10 x 10 x10) chanting of Vishnu. Thus the effect of chanting Rama Nama gets multiplied in geometrical progression. It is believed and said that Lord Shiva always keeps meditating on this Taraka Manthra.
It is the most favourite manthra of all the deities and by chanting, one gets the benefit of invoking all the 33 crores of devathas. There are many instances in history where mere chanting of Rama Nama has resolved many miseries.
Lord Hanuman is hailed as the personification of selfless service to Lord Rama and Sita. Legends say that when Lord Rama was about to leave for His heavenly abode when the purpose of His incarnation was fulfilled, He asked Hanuman to accompany Him, but the latter politely declined the offer saying that he wanted to be present in the holy land where Lord Rama walked in human form and where Sri Rama Nama Japam was regularly conducted.
                                                               “Yatra Yatra Raghunatha Keerthanam
                                                               Tatra Tatra Kruthamasthakanjalim
                                                               Bhashpavari Paripoorna Lochanam
                                                               Maruthim namatha Rakshasanthakam”
The prayer sloka of Hanuman says that wherever Rama Nama is sung, he is present though not visible, with his eyes full of tears and with his hands folded in prayer to His Lord. Lord Hanuman undoubtedly the greatest devotee of Lord Sri Rama continuously chanted this taraka mantra that helped him to achieve many feats during the epic Ramayana that also attained him the status of Bhavishya Brahma.
By chanting the Rama Nama, a notorious bandit Ratnakara got liberated of all his past sins and as Valmiki, went on to author the epic Ramayana containing 24000 slokas. Valmiki describes Rama as having sixteen great attributes. Rama stood for the truth, he was a believer of truth, and was a symbol of moral excellence.
The Ramayana is not just a great epic; it is a culmination of philosophy, history, mythology and spirituality. While the epic Ramayana contains several thousands of slokas it is not possible to remember and recite all of them. Just by chanting the Rama Nama one gets the effect of chanting all the slokas of Ramayana.
Rama Nama Smarana a tool for Man’s liberation:
Different means of liberation have been spelled out applicable for each Yuga. For example, meditation (Penance) has been prescribed as the means of liberation in Krita Yuga, performing Yagnas and chanting of Mantras in Treta Yuga, Archana (worship) in Dwapara Yuga. But in Kali Yuga only Nama Smarana (repetition of God’s name) has been prescribed as the main means of liberation for the mankind.Since in Kali Yuga the people will not have the required spiritual strength and capability to perform and carry out the rigorous sadhana, Nama Smarana has been prescribed and advised to achieve the required results of liberation. The name of Rama will make one free from Raga (attachment) and also roga (disease). This mantra can be chanted anywhere, anytime and by anyone. Rama Nama has the power of intercession for the dead. Sthala Purana of Kasi mentions that the Deity of Kasi, Viswanatha (Lord Shiva) initiates this Taraka Manthra in the right ear of the people who die in Kasi. Kasyanthu MaranaanMukhthi, means one who dies in Kasi will attain Mukthi. Even the Pall bearers repeat; Ram naam satya hai (the name of Rama is the absolute truth).
Rama Nama a reference to the present day world:
In the present day context we would have heard many great personalities utilizing this powerful taraka manthra for achieving success in their respective fields. Nearest examples are Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Thulasi Das, Kabir Das, Bhakta Ramadas (Bhadrachalam), Saint Sri Raghavendra Swamy (Mantralayam), Saint Purandaradas, Saint Thyagaraju, and many others.Reciting of Rama Nama also called Rama Nama Japa, is a very popular and common practice in India. It became even more popularized by Mahatma Gandhi for whom Rama Nama was a constant practice.
In the words of Mahatma Gandhi it is said I have suggested Rama Nama as I have been familiar with it since my childhood, and as it is my constant support in my struggles. Rama Nama gives one detachment and stability, and never throws one off the balance at critical moments. The incantation of Rama Nama will free one from addictions and make one clean and get adored by others. It is said that when he was assassinated his last words were ‘Rama, Rama.’ None of his prayers have passed without Rama Nama Keertana.
Saint Tulsidas said that even if one repeats the mantra unconsciously, he is taken from hell to paradise. He said that he is as eager to repeat the mantra as a Chataka bird is to drink rain drops, the only source of its survival. Kabirdas believed that the benefits of Rama Nama cannot be destroyed or robbed. Purandaradas, Thyagaraju and Ramadas have immortalized the Rama Nama in their beautiful compositions. Thyagaraju, the saint-poet, is said to have obtained the darshan of Rama with Sita, Lakshmana and Hanuman after having recited the Rama Nama 950 million times in 38 years on the advice of his guru.
The Ramayana, the story of Lord Sri Rama, teaches us two lessons; the value of detachment and the need to become aware of the Divine in every being. Faith in God and detachment from objective pursuits are the keys for human liberation. Give up sense objects, and you gain Rama. Sita gave up the luxuries of Ayodhya so she could be with Rama during His exile. When she cast longing eyes on the golden deer and craved it, she lost Rama’s presence. Renunciation leads to joy; attachment brings about grief.
Sri Rama incarnated as a human being to promote peace and happiness in the world. Also called as Maryada Purushothama He was an embodiment and personification of all virtues, role model as a son, as a husband, as a brother, as an able administrator, as a friend, as a King, as a human being, and a role model for devathas. He was the best example of perfect character and human conduct, inspiring human beings for countless succeeding ages. Everyone should recognize the sweetness, sacredness, and divinity enshrined in the name Rama.
There is also a faith among Hindu families to write Rama Nama repeatedly several times called as Rama Koti. For writing this they use the words Sri Rama or Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama. It is believed that by writing Rama Koti, one will be benefited with progeny, progress and success in education, harmony among the couple, helps in poverty conditions, as a remedy for Saturn related obstacles, gain in employment, and fulfillment of desires. Whatever may be the myth or belief, it is always good to utter the name Rama with full understanding of all that it signifies. It is said that Rama Nama is mightier than Rama himself.
Readers are requested to listen to the fascinating song sung by the great Mangalampally Balamurali Krishna in praising the significance of Srirama Naamam in You Tube and be blessed by the Lord. Its lyrics are ” Srirama Naamam Maruvam maruvam, Siddhamu Yamunaku veruvam veruvam”. He sang this song in a very unique style.

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